Halloween is one of my favorite holidays! Not only do you get to steal your kids candy...lol...there are so many great treat ideas to make! Here is my witch hat container, it stands about 11 inches tall with a brim measuring 9 inches. It will hold alot of goodies, or popcorn or any kind of treat! So, here are the directions with some pics, this is my first tutorial, so please keep that in mind. Have fun making an adorable treat container for your little Boils and Ghouls!!!
1. Here are the supplies needed...2-12x12 black cardstock or a printed cardstock, one 12x12 orange or printed cardstock (for hat), 1 1/2 yards of ribbon, scissors, pencil, protractor, glue, hole puncher and cricut or paper punches.
2. You need to cut one 9 1/2 inch circle out of one of the black carstock pieces and another 9 1/2 inch circle with the other black piece. I used my cricut for this, but you could easily use the protractor or a circle cutter. Cut a 5 inch circle out of one of the 9 1/2 inch circles. Again, I used the center point feature on my cricut.
Next, you will need to cut the piece for the hat...to do this, take your orange or pattern cardstock and measure 11 inches on 2 sides. I used my protractor to make a quarter circle.
***TIP***if using a patterned cardstock for the hat, make sure before you cut out the quarter circle, make sure that when glued the pattern will lay right*****
3. After tracing, cut out your quarter circle. Then on the curve, mark 3/4 inch in and space them about 3/4 to 1 inch apart and cut making slits so you have something to glue the brim to. Flip it over, so you are looking at the front or patterned side and fold up each of the flaps.
4. Then, I used some scraps of cardstock to cut out some stars with my cricut and used the shadow feature, but you could easily freehand some shapes or use punches.
5. While holding both black circles together, make marks about 3/4 inch apart and about 1/4 inch in. I used my crop-a-dile and just placed the marker where I wanted the holes, so they were all even.
6. Fold over the quarter circle, so that it lays flat on the bottom and comes to a point at the top. I used tape inside to hold in place while I was gluing the seams. You want to overlap your seam 1/4 inch. Hold in place until glue sets. **tip, I like to use the diamiand glaze for a quick adhesive...it holds and dries fast**After that dries, place some glue on the flaps that are laying flat and take the circle with the inner circle cut out and place down over the top of the hat. Make sure it is glued and secure.
7. Now, it is time to fill your hat with treats. I used some animal cracker packs, nerds, lollipops, gum and playdough. For my children's teachers, I may fill with some caramel corn and candy corn for a sweet treat!
8. Now take the other circle, line up the holes and you are ready to stitch the hat closed so all your treats will stay in. I started at the front in the middle and left a long tail (to be tied later). Start stitching...you want the ribbon to come under and around...please see picture to understand...it is hard to explain.
Add all of your embellishments...I used stars, stickers, rubons, words and added a plaque from Micheals(already made).
That completes my tutorial. I hope it was wasy to understand and please let me know what you think. Have fun making your own treat containers. Thank you!
I love this hat. The instructions are great. I'm going to give it a try. I think I am going to make it for a prize for a Halloween party. Thanks for sharing